Why Does the FY23 Federal Omnibus Bill Contain Abortion and Marijuana Riders That Harm the District of Columbia?

December 20th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – As part of the Congressional omnibus agreement that was announced earlier today, the Washington, DC budget riders that ban marijuana legalization and unnecessarily regulate access to legal abortion remain. In light of this harmful development, DC Statehood advocacy organization DC Vote released the following statement:

“Here we go again. Spending riders were included in the latest federal government spending, or omnibus bill, that controls issues like reproductive choice and adult-use cannabis for the residents of Washington, DC without us having any say. It’s not only undemocratic but it puts DC and her residents in an untenable legal and political situation,” said Patrice Snow, DC Vote’s director of communications. “Marijuana reform and reproductive choice are both supported overwhelmingly by District residents and DC’s elected officials should have every right to set the policies based on the will of their voters. This is why DC Statehood is so important and why we at DC Vote will continue our advocacy until the day we are made the 51st state.”


December 12th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Marjorie Taylor Greene’s statement over the weekend threatening our already fragile democracy by advocating for an even more violent coup than what took place on January 6, 2021 should not be ignored. In light of Greene’s un-American extremism, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“DC residents have a unique risk when political violence occurs or when a sitting member of Congress calls for American carnage via an armed insurrection. The teachers, nurses, lawyers, government workers, veterans, and students who call DC home deserve to live without the threat of violence from anyone, specifically an elected official who comes to DC to serve,” said Patrice Snow of DC Vote. “In light of the distinctive peril DC residents face, DC Vote is calling on Rep. Kevin McCarthy to deny Marjorie Taylor Greene a spot on the House Oversight Committee in the upcoming 118th Congress. In fact, Greene shouldn’t be permitted to sit on any committee so long as she is spewing dangerous rhetoric and won’t uphold the Constitution or the rule of law.”


December 7th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen has been announced as the third and final Champion of Democracy honoree at tomorrow’s “The UnGala” event hosted by DC Statehood advocacy organization DC Vote. Senator Van Hollen has been a huge champion of voting rights, including co-sponsoring S. 51, the Washington, D.C. Admission Act. His steady leadership has moved the ball forward on DC Statehood and he released the following statement upon learning of his Champion of Democracy Award:

“Our democracy isn’t guaranteed. It works only if we believe in it, participate in it, and commit to strengthening it so that it better reflects the will of all Americans. And a part of that important mission is ensuring that all voices across our nation have full, fair, and equal representation – including citizens in the District of Columbia,” said Senator Van Hollen. “I stand with DC Vote in the fight for representation for the people of the District, and I’m humbled to accept their Champion of Democracy Award. We’re in this fight together to make sure all our citizens have voting representation at all levels of government, and we won’t give up until we succeed.”

Tomorrow, DC Vote will celebrate their 2022 wins at “The UnGala” event at the Renaissance Hotel. Because of the Art Drives Statehood campaign focusing on how art and culture shapes the politics of the DC Statehood debate, the group has decided to highlight local artists whose work drives the movement forward. These two artists, Brian Bailey and Ashley Jaye Williams, will also be featured throughout the night.


December 5th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – On Thursday, December 8th, DC Statehood advocacy group DC Vote will host their annual fundraising dinner at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC. Cheekily referring to it as “The UnGala” because the obligatory large tables, continuous program, and predictable run-of-show will be thrown out of the window, the group will honor Arena Stage and Black Voters Matter co-founders LaTosha Brown and Cliff Albright with their “Champion of Democracy” award. Additional awardees and details will be announced later this week.

“The UnGala” marks the first time since 2019 that DC Vote has gathered in person to celebrate the year’s progress toward the ultimate DC Statehood goal. Since we now want all gatherings to be meaningful and safe, DC Vote is determined to crack the mold on the typical fundraising dinner event. With that theme in mind, “Champion of Democracy” awardees released the following statements:

“It is a true honor for Arena Stage to be named a ‘Champion of Democracy,’” said Edgar Dobie, executive producer and president of Arena Stage. “Since its founding, Arena Stage has been committed to doing just that; championing democracy through the art it produces and presents. This summer’s world premiere of ‘American Prophet: Frederick Douglass in His Own Words’ was a great example of that, and the curated selection of handmade quilts from the League of Women Voters’ Quilts4DC project helped us provide a unique, multifaceted take on how art drives democracy. We are deeply grateful.”

Cliff Albright and LaTosha Brown, co-founders of Black Voters Matter continued, “Black Voters Matter is honored to receive DC Vote‘s ‘Champion of Democracy’ award at their UnGala on December 8th. Our work is dedicated to building power in Black communities all across the country so enfranchising the 700,000 residents of the District of Columbia, the plurality of whom are Black, directly aligns with the goal of DC Statehood.”

Albright and Brown finished, “It is an incredible and defining time in American history, one where we have the opportunity to prove a multiracial, multiethnic democracy can not only survive but thrive. We are honored to work with partners like DC Vote in making this true democracy happen. Thanks again to Bo and the team at DC Vote and we look forward to continuing our friendship.”


Our own Patrice Snow was on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur discussing DC Statehood recently.

Watch here.

September 2nd, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Last night in Philadelphia, President Joe Biden delivered a speech addressing the ongoing threats to our democracy. On the heels of the president’s remarks, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“President Biden held nothing back during his speech on democracy and the battle for the ‘soul of the nation’ last night in Philadelphia. During the 21-minute speech Biden stated, ‘Look, our democracy is imperfect. It always has been. We have never fully realized the aspirations of our founding, but every generation has opened those doors a little wider to include more people who have been excluded before.’ We at DC Vote couldn’t agree with President Biden more and, inspired by his words and remembering Philadelphia is the exact location where the ‘DC deal’ happened, call again on the United States Senate to pass the Washington, DC Admission Act as soon as they come back to town after their August work period.”

Snow finished, “According to recent polling, a plurality of registered voters consider the erosion of democracy and democratic ideals as their number one voting issue heading into the 2022 midterm election season. That erosion starts in the District of Columbia. 700,000 residents of the District do not have full voting rights and this lack of representation is one way our political system disenfranchises people, particularly those of color. In order for America to meet its ideal and realize the vision of our founding fathers, our democracy must include everyone. Passing the Washington, DC Admission Act should happen immediately after the Senate comes back to town so that it can go to President Biden’s desk for his signature. The time for DC Statehood has come.”


Click here to watch WUSA’s piece on the “Art Drives Statehood” event.

DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow was a guest on “The Good Trouble Show” with Matt Ford. She talks about DC Vote, the movement for DC Statehood, and the #ArtDrivesStatehood event with Eireann Dolan and Sean Doolittle.

Click here to watch the entire piece.

“And so when DC Vote, an organization that promotes voting representation and statehood for the District, reached out to the Nationals to get in touch with Doolittle, he and Dolan were thrilled. On Monday night, they will host an event called “Art Drives Statehood” at Atlas Performing Arts Center on H Street in Northeast, supporting both DC Vote and a studio called Art Enables, which provides opportunities for artists with disabilities to make, market and sell their own work. (Tickets are $51. Get it?)”

Read the rest of The Washington Post piece here.

August 24th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – On Monday, August 29th, Washington, DC-based non-profits DC Vote and Art Enables will host an “Art Drives Statehood” fundraiser at the Atlas Theater at 6:30pm. Hosted by Eireann Dolan and her husband, Washington Nationals Pitcher Sean Doolittle, Pie Shop DC owner Sandra Basanti, and Chris “Cardi” Clayton of CHRiS CARDi House of Design, artists from Art Enables have been asked to reinterpret the iconic “STATEHOOD” license plate, the one that has been used for years as a symbol of the fight for equality. Their works will be on display and available for purchase with proceeds staying with the artists and Art Enables.

Coming on the heels of the successful “Art Drives Statehood” interactive mural at Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh, DC Vote’s executive director Bo Shuff released the following statement about the upcoming event:

“The quest for full equality for the people of DC is part of what it means to be a Washingtonian. With our “Art Drives Statehood” initiative and fundraising event next Monday, August 29th, we will combine education about DC Statehood with artistic expression in order to build an understanding of diverse cultures and the march to freedom,” said Shuff.

Shuff added, “DC Vote is beyond thrilled to be partnering with Art Enables because the strong arts and cultural scene in the District of Columbia lends itself to a different kind of activism. Monday’s fundraising event will be the perfect outlet to uplift the unique arts of DC in activism spaces while advocating for self-determination and freedom through DC Statehood. Just like we did with our “Art Drives Statehood” banner at Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh last weekend where we engaged over 3,000 attendees with the message of DC Statehood through art, we look forward to seeing our old friends and meeting new ones at the Atlas Theater next Monday.”

Tony Brunswick, the executive director of Art Enables finished, “We are incredibly excited to be collaborating with DC Vote on the “Art Drives Statehood” event. The work toward DC Statehood has always been about inclusion and equality, and those are the same values we exemplify at Art Enables. Art Enables resident artists are thrilled to share their artworks exploring the theme of Statehood, the District, and everyday life as a DC resident.”
