DC Vote Statement on FY22 Spending Bill

March 9th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

On the heels of the final FY22 spending bill released today, DC Vote’s Communications Director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“The $1.5 trillion, 2,741 page spending bill released by Congress this morning includes spending riders where the citizens of Washington, DC will not have control over issues like reproductive choice and legalizing marijuana. Yet again, we are being used as pawns in a dangerous political game where the taxpaying residents of the District are trapped in an untenable legal and political situation, unable to have control over social and economic issues that have a direct impact on Washington, DC. And it’s all because of the lack of Statehood.”


Kelsye Adams is now a program director at DC Vote. She most recently was executive director of Long Live Go Go.

Read more at Politico.com

In a statement, Patrice Snow, the communications director for D.C. Vote, said: “The announcement of their anti-democratic plot also demonstrates the movement to enfranchise the 700,000 tax paying American citizens in Washington, DC through Statehood is loud, proud, and working successfully toward its goal.”

Read more at HuffPost.com

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton will be bringing seven distinct guests for the virtual State of the Union event. Those guests will include Josh Burch, a native Washingtonian who co-founded Neighbors United for D.C. Statehood; Bo Shuff, who serves as the executive director of DC Vote; and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Howard University, Dr. Ravi Perry.

Read via www.usa9.com

February 25th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

President Biden and Vice President Harris will formally announce the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States later today at the White House. DC Vote’s Director of Communications Patrice Snow released the following statement in anticipation of the roll-out:

“We often point out that as an unrepresented population in Congress, Washingtonians don’t get to have a say on contentious issues like COVID relief, infrastructure, climate change, foreign policy, and voting rights but we also don’t have a voice in making history. 51 years ago, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was born in Washington, DC and now, when confirmed, will make history as the first African-American female justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. It’s disheartening that Washingtonians will have no say in her confirmation. In every other case, the home Senators would likely be shepherding her through the process including introducing her to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But again we are left out in the cold. We congratulate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on her historic appointment but it’s also a stark reminder that DC Statehood is long past overdue.”


February 18th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Last night, Congressional lawmakers passed a short-term continuing resolution (CR) that included spending riders directly affecting Washington, DC. Patrice Snow, DC Vote’s Communications Director, released the following statement afterwards:

“The continuing resolution passed last night includes budget riders, in place for decades, which trample on the freedom of the people of Washington to govern ourselves. Washingtonians, like all Americans, should have the freedom to determine how we use local funds and the laws under which we live. The House-passed budget resolution fully respects the people of DC and the Senate should follow suit.” Snow said.

Snow continued, “Members of Congress have spent more than 200 years using oppression of the people of DC to score cheap political points at home. Interference by random members of Congress who don’t represent, understand, or maybe even look down upon the citizens of Washington, DC will continue until the District is recognized as the Union’s 51st state. Senators from Kentucky and Texas and South Carolina should have no authority on how Washington, DC spends their money.”


February 14th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – In response to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Representative James Comer (R-KY), and their Republican colleagues’ efforts to repeal DC Home Rule if they take over House control in November, DC Vote’s Communications Director Patrice Snow issued the following statement:

“It’s been clear for a while now that democracy is on the ballot in November and the beginning rumblings of Reps. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and James Comer (KY) to repeal the DC Home Rule Act if they win power in November prove it. But the announcement of their anti-democratic plot also demonstrates the movement to enfranchise the 700,000 tax paying American citizens in Washington, DC through Statehood is loud, proud, and working successfully toward its goal. We’ve always believed DC Statehood is more a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’ and McCarthy and Comer’s latest shot at rolling back rather than expanding the full participation in OUR democracy show nothing more than they are running scared,” Snow said.

Snow continued, “The history of DC shows that each and every time DC Home Rule has been threatened or removed, racism was at the core. And now, true to form, certain members of Congress are using the backdrop of Black History Month to announce proposals to hold DC local elected officials to a different standard than any other jurisdiction in the country. They are threatening investigations into local activities that should not be under the purview of Congress. Their call to rescind the Home Rule Act moves beyond the typical game of using DC residents to score cheap political points at home and into a racist attack on the fundamental right to representation for the 700,000 residents of DC, a majority of whom are Black and brown. All Americans deserve the freedom to vote, the freedom to govern ourselves and the freedom to determine our own destiny. It’s only because of our lack of Statehood that these Representatives feel empowered to deny those freedoms and engage in the racist subjugation of American citizens.”


February 8th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

In response to the letter 49 House and Senate Republicans issued vowing to vote against this year’s Congressional appropriations bill unless it defunds the enforcement of DC vaccine mandates, Patrice Snow, the Director of Communications for DC Vote, issued the following statement:

“Here we go again. First of all, the hypocrisy of these 49 House and Senate Republicans wanting to defund the government that keeps Americans alive and healthy during a once-in-a-century pandemic is more than one can bear. Secondly, aren’t those who espouse a conservative view of government always screaming local control is most important because the leaders ‘closest to the ground’ know what’s best for their people? Why are members of Congress who don’t represent the District and purport not to even enjoy coming here for their Congressional service worried about vaccine mandates that have kept DC one of the healthiest places in the nation during COVID? It’s so confusing. Can you imagine if the federal government came to Kentucky or Texas and told them what to do? This is yet another example of why DC and it’s 700,000 citizens need Statehood.”


February 4th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, leading DC Statehood organization DC Vote announced Kelsye Adams has joined the senior staff as its new Program Director. Kelsye grew up in Washington and has been an organizer since her days at both Hampton University and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). 

She first started with the Democratic Party of Virginia, later becoming former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s Finance Director with his PAC, The Way Ahead. In 2019 she joined Long Live GoGo, a Washington, DC-based cultural organization. Under Long Live GoGo, Kelsye helps shape its Moechella platform utilizing gogo music as the intersection of politics and culture. Kelsye currently serves on the U Street Neighborhood Association and is a board member for The Live Movement (on both the national board and the Howard University chapter).

“This chapter of my life began before I even knew it. It was a no-brainer to join the amazing team here at DC Vote and continue the fight against the racial injustice from the lack of DC Statehood. My entire career has been spent merging culture and advocacy and I look forward to shaping what Statehood will look like for the DC community,” stated Kelsye Adams.

“It is an honor and privilege to continue to advocate on the frontlines here in DC and push to have a real voice in our nation’s Congress. I intend to apply my leadership, communication, and programming skills to achieve DC Statehood and create a bright future for DC in our nation’s capital. I am championing the motto for DC Statehood – The freedom to vote. The freedom to govern ourselves. The freedom to determine our own destiny,” Adams finished.

DC Vote is a leading educational and advocacy non-profit organization to bring full and equal representation for the 700,000 DC residents through DC Statehood.


November 15th, 2021

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday, November 17th, leading DC Statehood organization DC Vote, in company with the efforts of its partners, will walk shoulder-to-shoulder from Black Lives Matter Plaza to the White House in an effort to demonstrate the importance of full representation for all of the residents of Washington, D.C. The “No More Excuses” rally will begin at 10:00 am and there will be citizens risking arrest to bring attention to DC Statehood and voting rights. DC Vote’s Communications Director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Yet again, we are out in the streets urging President Biden to act immediately on voting rights. This time, we are asking for specific attention to be paid to the 700,000 disenfranchised residents of Washington, D.C. In order to ensure full democracy for all and to move us toward a better and more secure future, Congress must work to pass and President Biden must sign legislation that will grant voting rights to all of D.C.”
