Washington Post: Senate votes to reject D.C. criminal code bill

The statehood advocacy group DC Vote called the vote “a paternalistic pattern of oppression for the 700,000 people of D.C.”

“We choose our leaders in the District to decide our laws, just like everyone else in each state. Yet the Senate continued a history of dismissing this self-governance in order to create fodder for political campaigns,” spokeswoman Patrice Snow said in a statement.

Read the entire Washington Post piece here.

March 8th, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – The United States Senate just voted for the disapproval resolution to overturn DC’s Revised Criminal Code Act. After the vote, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Today’s Senate action continues a paternalistic pattern of oppression for the 700,000 people of DC. We choose our leaders in the District to decide our laws, just like everyone else in each state. Yet the Senate continued a history of dismissing this self-governance in order to create fodder for political campaigns. But the Senate has not provided a clear example for us in the quest for Statehood. This country has continuously moved toward full enfranchisement and representation and today’s vote makes clear there’s still work to do. DC Vote is ready to continue doing that work to provide full and equal representation for the people of DC.”


“Beyond blocking the implementation of the new criminal justice reforms, this whole debacle has also reignited the focus on DC statehood, which scored its most significant wins in 2020 and 2021, when the House passed bills supporting it. ‘The only thing Congress is voting on is to overturn the local decision-making of 700,000 people,’ says Bo Shuff, the executive director of DC Vote, of this week’s resolution.”

Read the entire Vox piece here.

March 2nd, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Earlier today, President Biden tweeted his support for DC Statehood yet indicated his intention to sign the disapproval resolution heading to the United States Senate on the Revised Criminal Code Act that DC Council lawfully passed. In light of this attack on the already small amount of democracy the 700,000 tax paying residents of DC has, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Last September, President Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia on the ongoing threats to our fragile democracy and the battle for the ‘soul of the nation.’ Watching our president who, going back to his Senate days, has been an ardent supporter of the DC Statehood movement give the speech from where the original DC deal ‘happened’ was a highlight for those who have fought for DC sovereignty and autonomy for years. In the speech, President Biden said, ‘This is where America made its Declaration of Independence to the world more than two centuries ago with an idea, unique among nations, that in America we’re all created equal. This is where the US Constitution was written. This is where we set in motion the most extraordinary experiment of self-government the world has ever known with three simple words: “We, the People.” These two documents and the idea that they embody – equality and democracy – are the rock upon which this nation is built. They are how we became the greatest nation on Earth. They are why, for more than two centuries, America has been a beacon to the world.’ While recalling this beautiful speech President Biden gave to the nation in a primetime address in Philadelphia just last September, reading his tweet earlier today on his intention to sign the disapproval resolution if passed by the Senate to overturn lawful legislation by the DC Council was shocking.”

Snow finished, “Last week, over 120 groups joined us in calling for autonomy and self-governance for the people of DC. These groups signed a letter addressed to Senate leadership and copied to all members of the United States Senate because the never-ending attacks on our self-determination continue even by those we consider to be friends of the DC Statehood movement. But, despite today’s setback, nothing will stop our progress in becoming the Union’s 51st state. As we say, it’s a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if.’ Only DC’s 700,000 tax paying residents and their locally-elected leadership should decide what is best for the District of Columbia.”


February 21st, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Today, DC Vote along with over 120 allied organizations, sent a letter to the United States Senate arguing against the two undemocratic disapproval resolutions heading to the full Senate for a vote that is attempting to overturn legislation lawfully passed by the DC Council. When DC Vote sent the first letter to the House of Representatives ahead of the February 9th vote, there were 115 signatories. But today, because of the attacks on Washington, DC’s autonomy and sovereignty, that number has grown to over 120 signatories. In light of these positive developments, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“As I have said from the very beginning of this undemocratic practice happening to the people of DC, passing these two disapproval resolutions to overturn pieces of legislation that were passed lawfully by the DC Council is yet another attempt to undermine our District’s will, thwart the DC Statehood movement, and repeal the Home Rule Act. Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty, who resides in Gallatin, Tennessee, is apparently leading the charge in the Senate to overturn legislation without scheduling one hearing where a DC resident or a DC elected official will be allowed to speak on the merits of revising the criminal code or allowing all residents, regardless of their immigrant status, to participate in only local elections.”

Snow finished, “Over 120 groups have joined us in calling for autonomy and self-governance for the people of DC. These groups have signed a letter addressed to Senate leadership and copied to all members of the United States Senate because the never-ending attacks on our local government is not just unacceptable, it’s unsustainable and dangerous to any nation that calls itself a representative democracy. Only DC’s 700,000 tax paying residents and their locally-elected leadership should decide what is best for the District of Columbia.”

The letter reads:

Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Cc: United States Senators

Dear Senate Leadership: 

We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of Americans from across the country, are concerned about H.J. Resolution 24, “Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022” and H.J. Resolution 26, “Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022,” recently transmitted from the House for agreement by the United States Senate. 

These two measures unjustly undermine critical local decisions made by the people of the District of Columbia and their elected leadership. Policy disagreement between the legislative and executive branches of the local District government should not give license to Congress to continue the paternalistic intrusion through disapproval resolutions. The people of the District, like the people of the States, maintain the ability to both choose their local leadership and hold them accountable through local elections.  No State is subject to an additional layer of review and consent to local decisions and the additional burden here serves no legitimate Federal purpose. 

The Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022 and the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022 were passed through the District’s legislative process via regular order. The Council held hearings and heard from witnesses on each bill and they were voted on and approved by the Council.

H.J Res 24 and H.J Res 26, on the other hand, did not receive hearings in the House of Representatives and no residents of the District of Columbia were allowed to testify in favor or in opposition to either measure. With no representation in the United States Senate, the people of DC will be excluded from the consideration of these measures once again should they not go through the regular Senate process. 

We, the undersigned, urge the Senate to reject the referred H.J. Res 24 and H.J. Res 26 and preserve the self-governance of the 700,000 people of Washington, DC. 


DC Vote

Alliance for Justice

All Souls Church Unitarian

American Civil Liberties Union

American Civil Liberties Union of DC

American Ethical Union

American Family Voices

American Federation of Government Employees

Anacostia Coordinating Council

Arab American Institute

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action

Brookland Huddle for the Future

Broward for Progress

CapitalBop, Inc.

Capital Stonewall Democrats

Center for Common Ground

Center for Disability Rights

Center for Economic and Policy Research

Center for Popular Democracy

Church World Service

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

Clean Elections Texas

Common Cause


Concerned Citizens Demanding Change Inc. (DC)

Council for Court Excellence

DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice

DC Democratic State Committee

DC Developmental Disabilities Council

DC Environmental Network

DC Fiscal Policy Institute

DC for Democracy

DC Jobs With Justice

DC Justice Lab

DC Statehood Coalition

DC Statehood Green Party

DC Voters for Animals 

Death with Dignity

Declaration for American Democracy

Defending Rights & Dissent

DemCast USA

Democracy Amendments Coalition Inc.

Democracy for America Advocacy Fund

Democratic Messaging Project


Drug Policy Alliance

Economic Policy Institute

Endangered Species Coalition

Faith in Action for Social Justice

Family Values @ Work

Federation of Community Associations

Friends of the Earth US



Greenpeace USA

GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic

Harriets Wildest Dreams

In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda


Indivisible Chicago Alliance

Indivisible Marin

Indivisible Northern Nevada

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Justice Policy Institute

Lake Research Partners

League of Conservation Voters

League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia

League of Women Voters of the United States

Legal Aid DC

Long Live GoGo

MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund)

Maryland/DC State Council of Machinists, IAMAW

Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO

More Than Our Crimes

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF)

NARAL Pro-Choice America

National Center for Transgender Equality

National Council of Jewish Women

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)

National Fair Housing Alliance

National Employment Law Project

National Women’s Law Center

Neighbors United for DC Statehood

Netroots Nation

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

NextGen America


Our Revolution

Physicians for Reproductive Health

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC

Public Citizen

Public Justice Center

Rachel Carson Council

Reale Justice Network


Sierra Club


SPACEs In Action

Stand Up America


Take on Wall Street, a project of Americans for Financial Reform


The Action Lab at the Center for Health Policy and Law

The Hub Project

The Workers Circle

Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice

United Nations Association of the National Capital Area

Venice Resistance

Voices for Progress

Washington AIDS Partnership

Washington Ethical Society

Washington, D.C. Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society

Washington Parks & People

Who Speaks For Me?

Woman’s National Democratic Club

Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia


February 9th, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – The full House of Representatives just voted to strike down two laws approved by our own Council to update our woefully outdated criminal laws and to expand voting rights for non-citizens, including undocumented members of our community. In light of this extremely harmful development, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Disapproving these pieces of legislation that were passed lawfully by the DC Council is yet another attempt to undermine our District’s will, thwart the DC Statehood movement, and repeal Home Rule. Period. Rep. James Corner of Kentucky, Congressman Andrew Clyde, who lives in Athens, Georgia, and Senator Bill Hagerty, who resides in Gallatin, Tennessee, led the opposition to the democratically-passed legislation without a single hearing where a DC resident or DC elected official were allowed to speak on the merits of revising the criminal code or allowing all residents, regardless of their immigrant status, participate in only local elections. It is clearer now than it ever was before that overturning the little democracy that the 700,000 tax paying residents currently have is the goal.”

Snow finished, “Despite today’s developments, we at DC Vote and in the DC Statehood movement are still motivated to achieve nothing less than full freedom. It is unacceptable that in 2023 there are still Americans who are fighting their status as second-class citizens. The freedom to govern ourselves and determine our own destiny is far too important for the antics and stunts of those who want to roll back the basic, fundamental rights of DC’s residents. DC Statehood is the only answer.”


February 7th, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Today, the full House will vote to pass the rule for the two disapproval resolutions that would overturn legislation passed by the DC Government. The Revised Criminal Code Act of 2021 and the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act were passed lawfully and enacted to address important local concerns. In response to this latest aggressive affront on DC’s sovereignty and self-determination, DC Vote was joined by 115 organizations on a letter calling for autonomy through DC Statehood and issued the following statement:

“Over 110 groups have joined us in calling for autonomy and self-governance for the people of DC. These groups signed a letter addressed to the entire House and Senate leadership concerning the never-ending attacks on our local government and our right to choose the laws under which we live. The efforts by members of Congress from arbitrary states who want to use DC as a pawn in a political game is dangerous, unfair, and intolerable and can only be solved through Statehood. Right now, Americans are debating important issues in communities throughout this country but what isn’t up for debate is who gets to decide these questions. Only DC’s 700,000 tax paying residents and their locally-elected leadership should decide what is best for the people of the District of Columbia.”

The letter reads:

Congress Should Stay Out of the District of Columbia’s Local Affairs

Addressed to bi-partisan House and Senate Leadership

We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of Americans from across the country, are concerned about the numerous measures that have been introduced that will unjustly undermine critical local decisions made by the people of the District of Columbia and their elected leadership. These local laws were enacted to address important local concerns, most notably criminal justice reform, reproductive freedom, democracy and equal treatment under the law. Efforts by members of Congress to impose legislative “riders” or pass disapproval resolutions usurp the prerogative of the District of Columbia’s elected mayor and council and the residents they represent.

We also urge Congress to refrain from taking action that could threaten the District’s Local Budget Autonomy Act. The Act allows the District to spend local tax dollars based on its local budget at the beginning of the new fiscal year. The DC Superior Court has ruled the Act is valid, and the DC Council and mayor are proceeding with the District’s local budget in accordance with the law.

We understand that some in Congress are still seeking to use the legislative process to impose policy riders upon the people of the District. The undersigned organizations advocate on diverse issues and are united in our opposition to the inclusion of any legislative vehicle that overrides, limits or otherwise usurps locally elected decision-making by the District of Columbia.

Already, in just the first month of the new Congress, legislators have promised or introduced measures that takes away the fundamental right to self-governance from the people of Washington, DC.

Congressional interference in these local matters is unfair and intolerable.

Right now, Americans are debating important issues in communities throughout this country. But what is not up for debate is who gets to decide these questions. DC’s locally-elected leadership should decide what is best for the people of the District of Columbia.

The Mayor of the District of Columbia and the DC Council were elected by DC residents to represent their interests. Congress does not impose its views on any other local jurisdiction, and Americans in DC have no vote in the Congress to cast against this egregious and increasingly relentless attack on their local democracy. We expect Congress to be consistent by letting District residents manage their own affairs without interference or meddling.

We urge you to respect local autonomy and oppose any efforts that seek to force Congress’ views upon DC residents.


DC Vote

51 for 51



All Souls Church Unitarian

American Family Voices

American Federation of Government Employees Anacostia Coordinating Council

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action

Better Organizing to Win Legalization

Black Voters Matter Fund

Blue Future

Capital Stonewell Democrats

Center for Common Ground

Center for Popular Democracy

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

Clean Elections Texas

Clean Water Action

Coalition on Human Needs

Common Cause

Common Defense

D.C. Affairs Community of the District of Columbia Bar*

DC Committee to Build a Better Restaurant Industry DC Democratic State Committee

DC Developmental Disabilities Council

DC Environmental Network

DC Fiscal Policy Institute

DC for Democracy

DC Jobs With Justice

DC League of Women Voters

DC Marijuana Justice

DC Statehood Coalition

DC Statehood Green Party

Death with Dignity

Defending Rights & Dissent

Democracy for America Advocacy Fund

Democratic Messaging Project

Drug Policy Alliance

East Area Progressive Democrats (EAPD)

Economic Policy Institute

End Citizens United//Let America Vote Action Fund FairVote

Family Values @ Work

Federation of Community Associations

Friends of the Earth U.S.



Greenpeace USA

Harriet’s Wildest Dreams

Health in Justice Action Lab, Northeastern University HIPS

Human Rights Campaign

In Our Own Voice


Indivisible Chicago Alliance

Indivisible Marin

Indivisible MN03

Indivisible Northern Nevada

Indivisible Santa Fe

Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society Justice Policy Institute

Lake Research Partners

Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG)

League of Conservation Voters

League of Women Voters of the United States Legacy DC


Love Huntsville

Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO

More Than Our Crimes

National Center for Lesbian Rights

National Center for Transgender Equality

National Council of Jewish Women

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)

National Employment Law Project

National Immigration Law Center

National Organization for Women

National Partnership for Women & Families

National Women’s Law Center

Neighbors United for DC Statehood

Netroots Nation

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice Northridge Indivisible


Our Revolution

Peace Action

People For the American Way

Physicians for Reproductive Health

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC Plymouth Area Indivisible

Progressive Democrats Of America

Public Citizen

Public Justice Center

Rachel Carson Council




SPACEs In Action

Stand Up America


Take on Wall Street, a project of Americans for Financial Reform

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

The Workers Circle

United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries

United Democratic Women

United Nations Association of National Capital Area Venice Resistance

Veterans United for DC Statehood

Voices for Progress

Voto Latino

Washington AIDS Partnership

Washington Parks & People

Washington, D.C. Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society

Who Speaks For Me?

Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia

*The views expressed herein are presented on behalf of the D.C. Affairs Community, a voluntary association of individuals, most but not necessarily all of whom are members of the D.C. Bar. The D.C. Bar itself made no monetary contribution to fund the preparation or submission of this statement. Moreover, the views expressed herein have been neither approved nor endorsed by the D.C. Bar, its Board of Governors, or its general membership.


February 6th, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – The House Rules Committee just passed two disapproval resolutions for legislation that was lawfully passed by the DC Council. In light of these latest developments against democracy, DC Vote’s communications director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Members of Congress from random places like South Carolina and Oklahoma who happen to have a seat on the House Rules Committee have just decided to vote for two disapproval resolutions overriding the will of the 700,000 tax paying residents of DC and their elected officials. DC Statehood is the only way to protect the full freedom of the Americans who happen to call DC home. If this happened in any other jurisdiction in America, there would be outrage. Congressional interference must end and DC Statehood is the only logical solution.”


Bo Shuff, the executive director of another pro-statehood organization, DC Vote, agrees. In an interview, he says that the absence of the “End Taxation Without Representation” plates does not indicate a lack of support for the DC statehood movement.

“The president has issued a statement of policy in favor of statehood when the bill was going through the house,” Shuff says. “He’s made comments on it before, and [former White House Press Secretary] Jen Psaki made comments from the podium of his support.”

Read the entire piece here.

February 2nd, 2023

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – House Majority Leader Steve Scalise just announced a vote next week on two disapproval resolutions for legislation that was lawfully passed by the Council of the District of Columbia – one for the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2021 and the other for the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act. In light of these latest developments, DC Vote’s Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“This is an anti-democratic attack on Washington, DC. Full stop. The Revised Criminal Code Act of 2021 and the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act were passed lawfully by the DC Council and now Congress wants to unjustly undermine critical local decisions made by the people of the District of Columbia and their elected leadership. These laws were enacted to address important local concerns, most notably criminal justice reform, democracy and equal treatment under the law and efforts by members of Congress not from DC to usurp power yet again prove why DC Statehood is so important.”

Snow continued,“The House should focus on the things that matter to all of America – like maintaining the full faith and credit of the United States. Congress doesn’t impose their views on any other jurisdiction in America like this and tax paying Americans who happen to live in DC have no vote to cast against this egregious and increasingly relentless attack on their local democracy. We urge Speaker McCarthy, House Majority Leader Scalise, and the House to respect DC and stand back on forcing their views upon DC residents.”
